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10.3 Release Notes

We're excited to announce the release of Brandworkz 10.3, which introduces a new UI for Dynamic Templates and a major search indexing overhaul. For clients using our Dynamic Templating module, we are happy to inform you that the migration process has been completed successfully. The new platform will significantly enhance performance, particularly when using the back office. Moreover, with the new platform in place, we will be able to provide new versions and fixes more quickly.

Dynamic Templates CMS Block

We received feedback on the Product Portal saying that the layout of the Dynamic Templates looked outdated and did not make the best use of the available space. To address this issue, we have introduced a new Dynamic Templates block that comes with both masonry and table views for showing templates, allowing users to choose the one that suits them best. You can create artwork directly from this page or browse through any previously created artwork. The templates and artworks pages have a dedicated search, and the Table view provides useful information such as template status and artwork counts, enabling you to quickly find popular items. Additionally, we have added a Templating Server Path Selector for admins, eliminating the need to copy and paste the path from the back-office to configure your block.

Masonry View

List View

The new layout makes full use of the Brand and Skinning tool found in the Settings area of the system, so if you’ve set up your Brand Elements these will be automatically used in the page. You can also add other CMS blocks to the page such as quick links.

You can update your pages to the new layout by swapping out the old block for the new one – keeping the Templating Server Path the same. For more information on how to do this, check our knowledge base here.

Search Reindex improvements & New Utility tool

Dynamic Templates

Some users experienced issues with the search and Dynamic Templates. Most of these issues were caused by templates being moved around directly in the back-office or changes to the block’s Templating Server Path. To address this problem, we have added a utility tool that lists all Dynamic Templates on the system and provides useful information such as their location, download options, and whether they need any fixes or updates. In most cases, these issues can be resolved by reindexing the search. If your users report any issues, you can access the Dynamic Templates link under Settings > Utility Tools.

General Search Reindex

The search reindex overhaul reduced the overall completion time and enhance performance. You can now choose to reindex specific parts of the system, such as assets/folders or Dynamic Templates. For more information on this topic, check our knowledge base here. 

Updates to the Set Permissions page

The Set Permissions page, which can be found in the “More” menu of the bottom admin bar, was useful in finding which groups could access a particular page or folder. However, it did not hold information about downloads, so we added a new column to display any downloads available to each group. This new column also includes a link to the group's download options section, allowing for quick and easy changes. Additionally, we have included a Usage Tips pop-up with helpful tips to make the process even smoother.

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • Deleted Dynamic Templates still showing in search after a search reindex. 
  • Dynamic Templates moved directly in the back-office cause links to break in the search. This still needs a reindex to be picked up in search. 
  • Deleting a page showing Dynamic Templates and creating a new one pointing to the same Dynamic Templates caused issues when clicking through from the "My Stuff" section. Changes to the Dynamic Templates configuration still need a reindex to be picked up in the search. 
  • Dynamic Templates with image outputs going through a workflow throw an error if rejected. 
  • Deleted artworks still show on the user’s "My Stuff" page. 
  • Renaming folders/pages not always updating in the search.
  • If a folder with shortcuts was deleted, the shortcuts still appeared in search results. The fix is not retrospective, so if you experience this issue after 10.3 is released, please send a ticket to support. 
  • On the Set Permissions page, checking the “Select All” checkbox disabled the “Update” button. 
  • Full Text indexing for documents broke if there were certain characters in the text. 
  • Importing Tags and Metadata that had formatted text caused issues when trying to edit the fields. 
  • Footer appearing twice on DAM pages if a custom footer used. 
  • Related assets do not always show on the Asset Detail page. 
  • Fixed Artwork “Save As” button. 
  • Some Artworks show duplicates when going through a workflow. 
  • Artworks with special characters in the name wouldn’t download. 
  • Thumbnails broken for the latest artworks on the My Stuff page.

For a deeper understanding of the latest features, reach out to your Brandworkz account manager. We're

always eager to receive your feedback and impressions on the updates included in this release.

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