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Download Forms

1. Create the download form


1. Go to settings > Metadata & Search > Click "Add a new metaset" 

2. Name the metaset for example (Video Consent form) and select type "Downloads" 

3. Click "Create a new field" and select a "Text-area (plain text)" field 

4. Add the text you would like the users to read before they download an asset. Configure the highlighted fields below: 

5. Scroll down and save the field 

6. Click to create a new field 

7. This time select a checkbox and make it mandatory - see below: 

8. Scroll down and click "Save" 

With the above process you have successfully created a consent form 

2. Apply the form to a download option

Download options 

1. Go to settings > Image and Video download options  

2. Find and select the relevant download option you would like to apply the consent form 

3. Simply add it below and save 

3. Apply the download option to specific folders, for specific groups

Manage groups

1. Go to settings > manage groups 

2. Select the relevant group 

3. Under the "Downloads Options" tab  

4. Select the folder and then apply the download option with the attached consent form 

5. Click update 

You need to do this process for all the groups and relevant folders

When the process is complete, the end user who tries to download an asset (in this case Video) with the specific download option they will get the below pop up form.

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