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Uploading Assets

To upload assets to Brandworkz navigate to the folder you wish to upload into and click the upload button in the asset admin bar.

Please note: there is a 20gb limit for each upload and a max of 1000 files at any time.
This is due to the AWS CDN limitation.

Upload Button in Brandworkz DAM

Or it is possible to simply drag the files that you'd like to add into the folder. You will see the upload in progress. 

Drag and Drop upload in Brandworkz

Please Note: Do not use any special characters, /:*?<>| and any other non standard characters, in the file names of assets as these will not load correctly onto the system. If you attempt to upload assets containing any illegal characters you will receive a warning.

Illegal character upload alert

Please note: If de-duplication has been switched on duplicate assets will automatically be converted to shortcuts on upload.

Duplicate asset upload alert

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