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Creating W2P Pages (using the new block)


The Dynamic Template block is a new addition to the CMS block stack introduced on the 10.3 release to improve the UI experience with both masonry and table views available for showing templates, allowing users to choose the one that suits them best.

Both templates and artwork pages (masonry and table views) have a dedicated search enhancing the user experience, helping them find what they are looking for.

Please note: You can only insert one of these blocks per page. Other CMS blocks can be used as a combination. 

How to create a new dynamic template page using the new block

  1. Create a page in your portal and choose "blank page" 
  2. On the next page, click "Add Block" and  select the dynamic template listing block

3. On the bottom admin bar, click "Edit Content" and then click 'Edit' on the block to open up the configuration:

Content Tab

Template Server Path:

We have added a Templating Server Path Selector, for admins, eliminating the need to copy and paste the path from the back-office to configure your block. Choose from the list, the path the template is located in the Chili back office. 

5. Click "Publish" to save the changes and publish the page. 

How to configure the Dynamic Template Block

Body Text

You can start typing here, or paste in text from another source - note there is a night mode option (crescent moon icon) if your text is a light colour. 

Please note: The body text added will replace the name of the chili folder configured (on the page, not in reality) giving you the flexibility to configure the title of the page without the need to rename the folder.  

Options Tab

General Options

Like the other blocks, you can set the background colour for the block, whether the block is full width and add container padding so that there's white/empty space between all edges of the block/screen. This can be done in pixels, but doing in percentages will keep the block responsive on all screen sizes.

The exception to this is the block height, as the dynamic templates block changes height based on the amount/size of the content within the block.

You can decide on the number of columns you would like to display the templates so when on masonry view the relevant layout is achieved. 

Finally, the boarder radius will change the way the template displays in the artwork page, this could be used as a differentiated factor between templates and artworks.


Masonry View

Action Menus

You can create artworks, edit or delete a template directly from the masonry view, as well navigate to the artwork page by clicking on the template or the "view artworks" options.  

Sorting/Layout  Options 

The total number of the displayed templates is available and you can sort by the most popular ones. 

Both end users and admins can choose between masonry and table view options, to the one that suits them best. 

Statuses for admins 

System admins can hover over the warning triangle to check if the template is yet published and if editor and download options have been applied.

Table View 

The table view provides useful information such as description, template status and artwork counts, enabling you to quickly find popular items. 

The Artwork page 

On the artwork page all the template actions (edit, delete, settings, tags) are available to use. You can create artworks directly from there as well as see and edit previously generated artworks.

You can search for artworks using the search on the page as well as use the sorting options to categorize them accordingly. 

Artwork information/ Action Options

On the masonry view you can access the artwork information by hovering over the artwork; there are also available dedicated icons to seamlessly download and edit an artwork. Click on the three dots to quickly access the rest of the actions. 

On the table view there is a dedicate download button enabling users to quickly download the artwork and a three dot menu to access the rest of the available actions. 

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