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Apply Images Variables

Step 3: Apply Image Variables

  1. Click on the variable you’re going to apply - you’ll see the pen tool appear.
  2. Click on the image you are converting to a variable 
  3. Click Attach Image Variable


  4. The image will disappear from the document and the variable will appear in the variable tab.
  5. Click on the image icon

  6. Browse/Search the directory for the image used on the document and double click the image. You can toggle between 'browse' where you can see all your folders and manually look thro them and 'search' where you can type in the name of the image you're looking for.

    Browse - this is the default option, navigate to the folder which contains the asset you're looking for.

    Search - click the search tab and insert the name of the asset you're looking for:

  7. The image will be inserted and the name will appear in the variable tab.
  8. If you’ve set the variable to show a preview this will appear here.
  9. If you’ve set the image settings and the variable options to allow cropping you can then use the crop button to change the placement and crop of the image used.


Set the image source

There are three different options when setting where the end user will locate the images to be used.

  1. the user can select from a folder in the asset library in Chili, 
  2. the user can upload their own asset 
  3. the user can select from the directory
  4. the user can be directed to a folder in your Brand Hub.


In the first two cases you’d set the source, found under the Type Specific tab for the variable, as Chili Dam.

Option 1 - set the Browse Dir to the folder you would like the user to be directed to. Please note that you should set the 'upload' option to 'NO' if you don't want users to be able to upload their own assets into the folder.

End user experience:
Browse is the default setting - the user can browse all the folders/assets you've given then access to.
Search - the user can search for asset they require
Browse for upload - if you've enabled the option for the user to upload their own image to the folder.


Option 2a - set the Browse Dir to %user% - the user will then be able to upload their own assets in a private folder - no other user will have access to these assets.

Option 2b - set the Browse Dir to %usergroup% - the user will then be able to upload their own assets but all users in the same group will have access to these assets

End user experience: like above the user will see a popup however the images in that selection are personal to the user or usergroup.

Option 3check 'select from directory' and then insert the path to the images you'd like the user to be able to choose from. You must ensure that the folder you're directing the user to is the end folder - it does not have any subfolders.

End user experience: users will see a drop down of all the images in the folder you've stipulated.


Option 4 - you need to set the Source as ‘External Assets’ 


and then the popup input the codes provided and after the = the category number for the folder in your Brand Hub to which the end user should be directed.

Directory List Url - %qs_directoryListURL%&c=

Asset List Url - %qs_assetListURL%&id=%id%

Search Url - %qs_searchURL%%search%&c=


You will find the category number by navigating to the folder you where would like your end user to find the images and looking in the url.

The category number for every page in your brand hub is unique and therefore will always remain the same even if your page is renamed or moved.

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