Naming your template
Please note: It is very important that every document uploaded has a unique name. If you upload a document with the same name as another to the same folder it will overwrite the original.
Only Alphanumeric characters can be used.
Please be aware that files containing &@#$%_^' "? will not load via the plugin.
Using the Preflight Tool
Open document in InDesign and click 'Preflight Document'
This will scan your document and highlight any issues which need attention.
- Highlighted issues are displayed as such.
yellow warnings should be considered
red warnings must be fixed.
- If you click on the circled arrow
the relevant area of the document will be displayed. Information will be provided to explain what is wrong and a resolution will be suggested.
- Clicking on the wrench tool
will provide some options for resolving the issue automatically. You can choose to use on of these or resolve the issue manually.
You can also opt to pre-flight your file in real time by clicking the box on the bottom left. This will then scan your document as you create the design.
How to fix InDesign plug-in error "Font without extension"?
While uploading file from InDesign to CHILI using converter, sometimes CHILI Live Preflight shows an error "Font without extension" and the user can not proceed with the upload:
In more than 90% cases this issue is caused by below reasons:
- Font not installed for all users (Windows)
- Adobe font is used
1. Font not installed for all users (Windows)
While installing fonts on a Windows system, you can see two options to install the fonts:
- Install
- Install for all users
Choosing "Install" installs the font on the system for the current user only who is installing the font on the system. Thus, the CHILI plug in has no access to the font and shows "Font without extension" error. To prevent this error always install the fonts choosing "Install for all users" option.
2. Adobe font is used
Adobe doesn't allow Adobe fonts to be shared. If you are using an Adobe font, it's directly activated from Adobe site and can not be downloaded or included in package. Thus the Plug in can not include it to the package and upload to CHILI back office.
To avoid the issue, always use licensed OTF (preferred) or TTF fonts which are installed on your local system and accessible to all the users.
Effects or elements not supported and how to deal with them
- Document fonts - Document fonts activated directly by Adobe InDesign can give unexpected results during conversion. Remove or rename the Document fonts folder you find next to the document file. Install the fonts in your system or in your font manager.
- Font missing - Raised when a font is not available when attempting to import a document. Make sure the font is installed, and available to the application. Only OpenType or TrueType original fonts are supported.
- Font not available - Raised when a font is not available when attempting to import a document. Make sure the font is installed, and available to the application.
- Font not supported -A font was used in the document which is not supported. OTF or TrueType fonts only, please.
- Font without extension - Certain old workflows still use fonts without an extension. Please rename the font and provide it with the right (full) name.
- Flip inLine - If an image anchored in the text is flipped horizontally or vertically, the flipped image content may not be exported correctly. Please check after uploading.
- File without extension - Rename the file and include the proper extension.
- Image embedded - A link cannot be embedded into the document. All the images should be linked to an external resource to be uploaded.
- Missing link - A link in the document which is being attempted to import is not available. All links must be available to InDesign before exporting the document.
- Pasted image data - If the image has been pasted directly in InDesign and has no link, the pasted images can't be extracted and can't be imported in The editor.
- Align to baseline grid - The Editor only supports BaseLine Grid Alignment for text frames with a vertical justification set to top.
- Cap to small cap - The Editor only supports uppercase or lowercase letters only.
- Character kerning - A custom kerning value cannot be used between letters. Custom kerning is not supported in the online editor, and will be ignored during the conversion.
- First Baseline Offset - Only Ascent is supported. The offset of the first baseline of the frame must be set to Ascent.
- Gradient stroke - Stroke colour cannot be gradients
- Gradient text fill - Gradient text fill is not supported. Only solid colours can be used for texts.
- InLine Object position - Only the inline setting can be supported.
- Invalid end of line - The Start or End type of the stroke is unsupported. Only plain ends are supported.
- Invalid paragraph alignment - Alignment relative to the spine is not supported. Only absolute alignment is supported. (left, right, centre, justified)
- Invalid strikethrough - Some strikethrough properties can be ignored. Solid stroke type, automatic offset, automatic colour properties are supported strikethrough.
- Invalid stroke - Only solid strokes are supported for now
- Invalid underline - Some underline properties will be ignored. Supported underline properties are: solid stroke type, automatic offset, automatic colour.
- Kerning method - Only Metric kerning is supported, you cannot have texts with custom or Optical kerning.
- Nested Style - When a nested style is used in a Paragraph style, this can give unexpected results in the conversion. Use character styles instead as well as local text formatting.
- No Normal Blend Mode - A blend mode different from Normal cannot be applied on a TextFrame. This can give unexpected results and will be reset to Normal during the conversion.
- Paragraph Style Dropcap - Dropcaps are not supported and can give unexpected results.
- Right to left paragraph - If the paragraph is formatted with Right to left text direction, this can give unexpected result as the editor supports only western languages.
- Stroke non Stroke Combination - In a single text frame, only one kind of stroke is admitted. Use a single setting for text stroke throughout the entire text frame.
- Text on a path - Text on a Path requires a complex conversion process to be reproduced in the editor. The conversion of some properties is not guaranteed.
- Text rotated - Text rotation on individual characters is not supported
- Text scaled - Text scaling is not supported
- Text skewed - Text skewing is not supported
- Text stroke - While texts with stroke can be imported, this is performed for the entire text frame, rather than for individual text ranges. The first character of the text frame in InDesign is used for this.
- Text frame overflows - A text frame was found which has text in overflow (in the InDesign document)
- Text frame spacing - Small differences in text spacing between InDesign and Flex may result in a text frame being placed in overflow in the editor even though the text may be visible in InDesign.
- Colour too many - A large amount of swatches has negative impact on the performance of the online editor. Usually this is caused by a large colour library loaded in the document, which aren't really used. Removing unused colours can make a difference for performance.
- Colour space - Only CMYK, RGB and LAB colours are supported
- HalfTone Effect - Halftone effect is not supported.
- Corner mismatch - Only a single corner radius is supported. The top left corner radius will be used during the conversion. The corner radius should be the same for every corner.
- Frame content effects - Only Drop shadow effect can be supported. Unsupported effects will be ignored during the conversion process.
- Frame effects - Most frame effects are not supported at this time. Only Drop shadow is supported. Unsupported effects will be ignored during the conversion process.
- Frame fill effects - Only Drop shadow effect can be supported on a fill colour. Unsupported effects will be ignored during the conversion process.
- Frame scaled - The frame is scaled to a percentage different from 100%. Scaling of frames is not supported.
- Frame sheared - Shearing is applied to the frame, and is not supported.
- Frame stroke effects - Only Drop shadow effect can be supported on a stroke. Unsupported effects will be ignored during the conversion process.
- Gradient multiple stops - Only two gradient stops are supported
- Gradient stroke - Stroke colour cannot be gradients
Document wide
- Multiple page sizes - The InDesign document contains multiple page sizes. The size in Document Setup is used for all pages.
- Nested frames - Nested frames may not import correctly.
- Paths too many - A large amount of shapes/complex paths may have a negative impact on online performance. In many cases these paths are not required to be editable objects, so moving these items to a locked layer may be a good idea. If it is not possible to place these on a locked layer then please create these in Photoshop or Illustrator and import them as images instead.
- Too many frames - The document contains too many frames. This can affect the user experience online and the conversion speed.
- Unsupported blend mode - Supported types are: normal, multiply, darken, difference, hardlight, lighten, overlay, screen.
- Unsupported character - If the text contains an unsupported character (right indent tab, Indent to hereā¦), the character could be out of the UTF scope.
- Unsupported content blend mode - If an object uses a content blend mode, the editor cannot support it.
- Unsupported corner - Only round and square corners are supported at this time
- Unsupported file type - A file has been placed which cannot be previewed in the editor
- Unsupported fill blend mode - If an object uses a fill blend mode, the editor cannot support it.
- Unsupported font size - Font size outside of supported range (1-720 pt)
- Unsupported stroke blend mode - If an object uses a stroke blend mode, the editor cannot support it.
- Unsupported wrap - Only wrap on the frame's bounding box is supported at this time
- Cell fill tint - A cell is filled with a colour tint (less than 100%). Only 100% tint is supported for cells. Simply create a new colour based on the tint you're aiming to acheive.
- Cell text rotation - The text of the cell is rotated using the Text Rotation option. This is not supported
- Diagonal lines - The Diagonal line formatting cannot be used in the cell. Diagonal lines cells will be ignored.
- Different borders - The online editor only supports a single border setting for table cells. Adobe InDesign tables and the Publisher tables uses different technologies: a perfect conversion is possible with a little compromise.
- Different tab leader - If a paragraph contains different tab leader characters, only the same tab leader character can be used over the paragraph.
- Table and cell style - Table or Cell styles applied are not supported.
- Table header and footer - Table with header or footer rows is not supported.
- Table not align to left - Table with different alignments from left align is not supported.
- Table on multiple frame - A table should be entirely contained in a single column. Table flowing between columns (or frames) can give unexpected result in the editor.