We've created some tools which will enable you as an system administrator to...
Asset scripts
Fix missing asset info
Will loop over ALL assets in the repository and:
* Create any missing asset thumbnails and previews.
* Discover the imageinfo for assets that don't have this discovered (i.e. imageinfo_processed = 0)
* Extract the fulltext of documents if this hasn't been extracted yet and put into the artwork table
* check if any Video asset are missing any Video Download wizard transcodes, and enter them in the queue if needed (only if a videogenerator is specified)
* for Video assets check if the duration or pixelwidth/height is zero and try to discover this and update the Artwork table
Please note: this can take several hours for large repositories, so run this outside of business hours or on the weekend!
Supported file types
List of supported filetypes which can be uploaded to and downloaded from the system as well as which ones have a visual preview, image/video transcode support and full-text search indexing.
Re-run pregenerate transforms
This will generate any missing asset transform combinations.
Delete Sample Assets
Delete the sample assets which comes with the default instance.
Please note: this does currently not delete any sample web-to-print templates or showcase entries. Please delete these manually.
Caching Scripts
Logo Finder - clear cache
If you have made changes to the structure of the Logo Finder tree and it's not updating correctly, run this script to clear its cache (will not remove anything with the Logo Finder itself)
Dynamic Template/CMS Scripts
List all templates and their pages
List out all CMS pages in the system, categorised by the CMS template they are using.
List all widgets and use
Lists all the widgets used on the system and which templates/pages they are used on.
Dynamic Templates
List out all all Dynamic Templates including how many artworks have been produced from them and whether any fixes/re-indexing is needed for them.
Please note: Use this list to get an overview of all Dynamic Templates elements such as, connected workflows, editor options, download options, published templates, artworks created, folder path and ID.
Dynamic Templating blocks
List out all CMS pages which has Dynamic Template blocks on and their configured server paths, including any overlapping paths.
Please note: Note that this can take several minutes on sites with lots of Dynamic Template Listing blocks.
Search Scripts
(re)-populate Elastic Search
You can now choose to reindex specific parts of the system, such as assets/folders or Dynamic Templates. Reindexing will no longer be necessary for user group permission changes.
Please note: Permissions changes that affect more than 100k index entries, (i.e. deep folder structures, multiple languages) will require a reindex for the updates to take place.
- Select Assets and Folders for metadata updates.
- Select Dynamic Templates and User generated artworks for updates made on templates on Brandworkz and/or Chili back office (rename and/or delete templates, alter the template path on the Brandworkz, move the template in Chili etc.)
As a general rule, please reindex the site each time a message, like below, appears in the portal indicating you need to do so.