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Album Actions


When downloading an album it is possible to apply a download option to the assets depending on your group permissions. The permissions has been set up in the group permissions in the general admin area. However, it must be noted that if an album contains different asset types, images and videos, you will not be able to apply a wizard if downloading them all at once. Images and videos do not use the same wizards therefore it is only possible to download the original assets when these are in the same album. If there is more than one asset in the album you wish to download the system will zip up the folder before starting the download. This will not affect the assets on the server.  

Ad-hoc share

An Ad-hoc share is a useful way of sharing assets with registered users or people who do not have access to the DAM.

Simply navigate to the search or a DAM folder, highlight the assets and click the share button below: 

By email

  1. Add the recipient's email address for both registered or non registered users if your system allows it.  
  2. Choose the download options which will be available to the recipient of the album. You can remove any of the available download options from the list.
  3. Edit the subject and content of the email and apply a valid to and from the date if required. Once the valid to date has passed the link to this album will no longer work.

Create Link

Creating a public link to an album is a useful way of sharing assets. 

  1. Choose the download wizards which will be available to the recipient of the album.
  2. Apply a valid to and from date if required. Once the valid to date has passed the link to this album will no longer work.
  3. Click "Create Link" to generate the link. 

This link can then be copied and pasted as required.


Hover over the asset you would like to delete and click the X to remove the asset from the selection. 

Creating an embed link 

For the first time Brandworkz 10.4 release enables users to create an asset embed link straight from the share pop up, unifying the system functionalities. 

Creating an Album

There are 2 ways to create an album:

1. Via DAM:

a. Add the assets to the temporary tool selection, then click "Create Album"

b. You'll then be prompted to input the album name, and then other optional fields. You can also choose the applied download options on this step but it is not mandatory as you can do it when you create the link.

c. Click save and the album will appear under "my stuff" > "albums"

2. Via Search:

  1. Go to the search and highlight/ctrl + click assets you'd like to create an album with
  2. On the action bar, click the last book icon
  3. Select "Add to new album"

d. This will prompt the "Create album" screen as mentioned in 1b:

e. Once you have input the album name and any other optional field, click save the album will appear under "my stuff" > "albums".

You can share these albums you have created via 2 routes, with no difference. 

1. Navigate to a DAM folder, open the side panel, load the album in the side panel:

Click share, and using the steps in the above section "Share", share the album as appropriate, either by creating a link or send via email to a registered/non-registered user:


2. Directly from the Albums area under your user menu. 

2. Find and select the relevant album and click "Share"

When you create an album you have control over the link. The generated link will always be the same and you can manage it on the below pop up which appears when you click " Share". You can select any if the below available options to change the album visibility or even deactivate it by setting it to "Only Me".

Managing the Album

  1. Navigate to the album area
  2. Select the relevant album
  3. Click "Edit album"

Edit Album

Here in the toolbar it is possible to rename the album and input further details or change the download options.


It is possible to duplicate an album if you require to add further assets for another use whilst retaining the original album.


It is possible to view the history of an album by clicking on the ‘History’ button on the Asset Admin Bar. Here you can view the sent history and the viewed history.  

Sent History

Each time the album is shared, either by link or by email information is recorded:

  • The date and time
  • The email address for the recipients (where is option was used)
  • The access link
  • Comments
  • Valid to and from dates
  • Download wizards available

Album view history

Viewed History 

Each time the  album is viewed information is recorded:

  • Date
  • Email address - for registered users
  • Name - guest users will be logged as such
  • Company
  • Phone number

Album view report

Please note: each time you access the album will also be logged in the viewed history.


It is possible to delete an album, unless it is the only one you have. This does not have any effect on the assets within the system.

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